Gear and action

Fuckin hot studs in fuckin hot singlets…….

Singlet will posting both arms, double bicep flex as he walks away from the loser, who looks just as big as him, but not as good……..

A double bicep victory flex pose in colorful boxer square briefs, full bod on display, beard on display, pits on display……..

Stripping shirt off to fight in sweats with drawstrings and waistband showing……..

A sweaty hot mess after a fight………fighting gloves still on, he’s sweating throw that shirt, his hair is a sweaty mess…..but look at that grin!!! He obviously won!!

The dude in the red is splitting the dude in black wide open, his crotch must be on fire!!!!

Both men licking their lips……..dude in red savoring his pending victory, the dude in black maybe turned on from that bicep being rubbing into his bulge!!!

A fuckin wide open spladle, going for the submission and extra humiliation……..

He locks on the other leg……elbow deep in the dudes pit…….

Kid has had enough!!!

Wrestling in tshirts, sleeveless ts, wifebeathers, tanks, sneakers, sox, gym pants……..


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