
The faceoff……..when you eye down your opponent, intimidate him, get ready to tear him down to shreds, to take his dignity and pride……

This first one is pretty fuckin hot……the shorter dude in the mask has a lot to prove so he buries his face in the beard of his bigger taller opponent, Chris Ridgeway……who looks like he is ready to fucking hear apart the smaller dude!!!!

This one is almost as hot, both men already sweaty, maybe went a round or 2 with each other or other opponents, now they stand shirtless, chest to chest, nose to nose, eye to eye, no one blinks, they just fuckin stare and take in each other’s sweaty man scent……

My money is on the smaller dude…….the bigger dude looks too cocky and one fist to his balls should bring him down to his knees where then the smaller dude will fight harder because he has something to prove!!

I’m thinking the dude on the right, in red. He’s got a tiny bit of beef on him so he’s probably more powerful and can easily outwrestle the stud in purple..... I fuckin love the staredown......the nose to nose, looking right each other's eyes, not giving any fucks about anything else, just showing up this dude in front of all your friends.......arms slightly elevated to their sides......so fuckin hot.......

Don’t break the stare down at the faceoff…….keep you eyes locked on him……

Never back away from a face off……..

The faceoff……..the punk on the right looks tough…..but the dude on the left looks bigger, tougher, more sadistic…….

What do you think..... Dax Carter at 5'9, 240 (left) or Scrappy McNair at 5'7", 175 (right).........

If you said the bigger guy...... you'd be fuckin wrong........

Logan Paul looking hot AF......and cocky.........

“You just gonna stand there…….or are we gonna fight??? My shirt is already off!!”

“Can you smell the scent from my pits bro…….that’s how you’re gonna smell when I finish you off!!”

“No more talking, let’s fight”

“Come on bro, winner takes ownership of this….”

“Look all you want boy, you won’t find your pride in there…..”

Even if you’re a smaller dude, if you have the confidence and strength, the power and skills, you can still win…….

Lastly, always flex to intimidate your opponent, even if he’s smaller and doesn’t stand a chance…….

But when he can't win the standoff, shove his own speedos in his mouth for extra humiliation, make sure the camera man gets a good view of it…….


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