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The anatomy of a match Part 2 of 7: The weigh-in

The fuckin weigh in.....where you face off with your opponent before the scheduled match to get your official weights. Standing there in front of each other, usually only wrestling underwear, a little piece of fabric separating your bulge from his, you grin at each other, make HIM feel intimidated but also making sure YOU don't appear intimidated. Face to face, pec to pec, bulge to bulge, toe to toe.......your manager watching, the audience watching, the press fuckin hot!!


The intimidating challenge The weigh-in The ring entrance The faceoff The lockup The victory The laid out loser

The fuckin weigh in.....where you face off with your opponent before the scheduled match to get your official weights. Standing there in front of each other, usually only wrestling underwear, a little piece of fabric separating your bulge from his, you grin at each other, make HIM feel intimidated but also making sure YOU don't appear intimidated. Face to face, pec to pec, bulge to bulge, toe to toe.......your manager watching, the audience watching, the press fuckin hot!!

“Can you smell the scent from my pits bro…….that’s how you’re gonna smell when I finish you off!!”

Burroughs vs Chamizo

“Look all you want boy, you won’t find your pride in there…..”

The nothing can intimidate me weigh-in

The underwear weigh-in......

I fuckin love these weigh ins and face offs where the dudes show up in their underwear!!!! Woof!!

i love it when they face off for there promo pics in nothing but there underwear!!!

I fuckin love it when they're forehead to forehead, almost ready to fight right there.......
hot faceoff……

When you're so fuckin wanting to wrestle that you don't care that another str8 dude's bulge is touching your bulge……'re men, who the fuck cares, bulges will touch, who the fuck cares, you just want to fuckin fight!!!

I love when the trashtalking in the weigh in gets physical!!!
Weigh-in Aggro - Beyond the Mat

The look at these guns, nothing will make me back down weigh-in


The I'll take anyone on after I kick YOUR ass weigh-in


The waiting.........


All these dudes standing in front and behind each other, just a little piece of lycra separating them from each other......but we're men, we don't think that way, we just want to fight.........
Weigh-in - think light, think light

The funny......before the physical......

Anonymous asked:
did you saw the last video of Logan Paul boxing? he seems to be a good fighter
Logan Paul looks like a fuckin punk on his youtube videos…….but clearly he spends the right amount of time at the gym because he has a fuckin hot bod! In the ring he looks like a whole other person, shirtless, flexing, cocky, arrogant…….

Look at that cocky smile......

and his boxing gear is super hot!!!

In the weigh-in rematch, Logan looks hotter with some pit hair and a bit of scruff on his face.....
Logan Paul flexes before a boxing match weigh in

Related image

But looks even hotter with the longer beard.....look at that red bulge in those jeans!!!
Logan Paul, AnEsonGib - Jake Paul vs Anesongib Press Conference


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